One of your negative entries is a judgment. Now this is something that happened in court. This is serious. How to get it off your credit report? Can you? Or is it impossible?
Now here is a funny little tidbit of information: the courts don’t send copies of judgments to the credit reporting agencies. Then how come your judgment found it’s way unto your credit report?
There are third parties out there going to court houses all over the United States and collecting this information. They then turn around and sell this information to the CRA’s. Now how is that fair? Maybe you appealed the decision. The case is not over yet. But somehow THIS information does not make it unto your credit report.
To do something about the judgment you have to go back to your two most favorite words: verification and validation.
According to Black’s Law Dictionary, verification is a sworn testimony. Someone has to put his hand on the bible and swear that the information sent to the CRA’s is true and correct. Now this did not happen. In addition, the person swearing to it has to have first hand knowledge of the matter. Whoever collected the judgment information from court only copied it. This person does NOT have first hand knowledge.
So you see you HAVE to validate and verify the entry of any judgment in your credit report. The law is very specific on that. If you don’t get in return to your validation request a sworn affidavit by the person with first hand knowledge, the judgment entry has to be removed. Validate + Verify. Always.